Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

Jul 25, 2011


In the United States we have what we often call “rules of the road” so that when you are driving and you obey the rules everyone on the road can travel safely.  Speed limits, stop signs, right-of-ways, and keeping your vehicle in good operating condition are some of the rules that keep us all safe.  When someone breaks a rule, it not only makes it unsafe for the one breaking it but for all the other travelers on the road.

Most government and non-profit entities use Robert’s Rules of Order for meetings conducting their business.  Without these Rules meetings would be conducted in anarchy and nothing would be accomplished, but with them everyone gets a chance to express their view and vote regarding any proposals.

The gym I attend has rules, like most gyms, to benefit the members and protect the business.  One of the rules for those using the pool is that when you exit the pool you must dry off before entering the building.  The gym has been somewhat relaxed on their rules and has not enforced them for the past two years I have attended, but that recently changed.  I observed a very tall older gentleman leave the pool area and walk directly into, through, and out of the building to his car dripping water everywhere.  I observed this on repeated occasions.  There is carpet through most of the building but near the check-in desk there is just regular flooring.  This man had been warned to dry off before leaving the pool area but repeatedly chose not to follow the rule.  I understand that did not see and slipped on the water he left behind, but fortunately was not seriously injured.  What if that person had broken a bone or injured their back?

Friday I arrived a little early for the 11 AM water aerobics class I attend at the gym.  I barely walked out the door to the pool area when all the members already in the pool started telling me that I had better be on time for every class I plan on taking.  Some of them appeared to be teasing me and some of them actually were frustrated and complaining about having to be on time.  You see, this is also a rule at the gym I attend, that you have to be on time for any scheduled classes and if you are not you cannot attend the class.  I asked the instructor what was going on and she stated the owner of the gym told her that enforce the gym rules, so she was telling each person as they arrived that next time they needed to arrive on time.  The members of the class were frustrated and chafing under what they feel is an unfair rule.  “Why have such stupid rules anyway?”  Well, they continued to grumble throughout the whole hour of water aerobics.  Towards the end of the class one of the members expressed her frustration with all the grumbling and shouted firmly, “It is not something we can change, so the point is mote!”  Fortunately when I went to water aerobics today no one grumbled.  I also noted that everyone arrived in a timely manner.  What a refreshing change!

Following the rules brings order, peace and safety to our lives but there is a part of us that wants to have it our own way.  “I am late for an appointment so it will not hurt if I go over the speed limit just this once.”  “I am not a child, I have lived 70 years and if I want to wear my swimming suit out to my car I should be able to.”  “I do not want to give up the things I like to do so why should I?”  Our old sinful nature wants to have its way.  The “old man” still struggles for control. 

No wonder Paul admonishes us in Ephesians 4:22-23 to “put off…the old man…be renewed in the spirit of your mind…and, that ye put on the new man.”  The Amplified Bible puts it this way, to “put off and discard your old un-renewed self…and be constantly renewed (having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude), and put on the new nature…in true righteousness and holiness.”  That word “constantly” tells me this is not a once-and-for-all act, but rather it is a daily process.  Putting off and putting on are actions.  Actions are choices

Friday I was tempted to go over the speed limit because I was late for an appointment, but I yielded my own will and I CHOOSE not to speed because God told me to obey the laws of the land. Today I yielded my own desire to sleep in late and I CHOOSE to arrive at the gym in a timely manner and was admitted to my class with no problems.  In the next meeting I attend I will yield my desire to dominate the conversation and I will CHOOSE to listen to what the other person is saying and wait for my turn to express my views.  In these actions of choice I have put off the old man and put on the new man, enabling God to constantly renew my mind.

Is it worth giving up my own selfish desires and adhering to the rules?  God promises us that if our delight and desire are in His rules (law) then we will be like firmly planted trees with a stream of water flowing by us to refresh us so that we can bear fruit and everything we do will prosper.  (Psalm 1:2-3)  I think it is a more than fair exchange.  I CHOOSE to give up my selfish desires.  How about you?