Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

Jun 16, 2018


What is your vision?  What motivates you to move FORWARD into the fullness of what God is calling you to?

One of the preachers I admire a lot is Rev. Leonard Ravenhill.  The first book I read by him was called, “Why Revival Tarries”.  One of the Chapter Titles from that book has been coming to my mind a lot lately, “Unction in the pulpit, action in the pew!”  He describes in this chapter how some ministers have lost their unction; they are unmotivated to preach sermons that make people squirm.  Aaaa Ha!  Lest we start placing all the blame on the ministers Rev. Ravenhill goes on to share how people come faithfully to all church services, sitting comfortably listening to words from burdened ministers sharing how to reach the lost.  They even agree with what they hear, but feel inadequate to the task, thinking it is better left to the ministers, missionaries, and “great men of God”.

Have you ever found yourself in either of these places?  Has your preaching ministry seemed dry of late?  Have you found yourself sitting in church listening to a missionary share marvelous testimonies of his or her work in the field while you wished you could do something for God?  How can a housewife do something great or a teenager who still has a few years of school to attend?

Did God command just the “special” people to “go into all the world and preach the gospel”? (Mark 16:15-20)  He first said it to the disciples, but He followed it with verses 17-20 about what signs would follow “them that believe”.  So it started with the disciples, then it was passed on to all that believed them, and so forth and so on until today where almost every part of the world has heard of Jesus.  So I ask again, did God command just the “special” people (disciples, preachers, missionaries, and great men of God) to “go into all the world and preach the gospel”?  No.  He calls me.  He calls you.  You have heard the phrase, “Bloom where you are planted”?  You do not have to go to Africa or South America to go on the mission field.  The mission field is all around you right now.  Do you have a neighbor who is a grouch?  Every time you see him make a point of smiling and saying, “Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon” or another simple greeting.  Pray for him, that the Holy Spirit will reach deep in his soul and convict him of his sin.  Keep smiling and greeting him.  Keep praying.  If God can move the heart of an unbelieving king (Daniel 3) he certainly can move this man’s heart.  This is just an example of a possible “mission field” right where you are.  If you are not sure what your “mission field” is, ask the Lord.  He will show you AND equip you to do what He is calling you to do.

Do you want to find motivation to answer His call?  Ask God to show you His heart.  He will fill you with sorrow and grief over the hundreds that died without salvation in that plane crash you just heard about on the news.  He will move you to pray for the families of all those who were lost.  He will cause your spirit to soar as you share with a neighbor how God has done something special in your life and that neighbor wants to know how God can do it for him too.

The Bible says that King David was a “man after God’s own heart.”  Read Psalms.  Can you imagine this man sitting on a hillside watching his sheep?  Can you see his en rapt attention to the frequent conversations he shared with his Heavenly Father?  I think that King David was a man after God’s own heart because he asked God just what was on His heart!

If nothing else, God calls each of us to an ever-growing fullness in Him.  As we grow closer to Him, He reveals His plan, desire, and calling for our lives.  This is not just for the “special” people.  It is for me.  It is for you!

Let me ask you again, “What is YOUR vision?”  Ask Him to motivate you forward into His fullness!  He is waiting to hear from you today.