Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

Nov 11, 2019


A friend, Sister Jenna Scott, posted the following insight on Facebook the other day and I thought it was so inspirational, with her permission; I share it with you…

“I had a neat experience the other day and wanted to share it with you. 😊 I was reminded of a talk given by Elder Bednar who is an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. He talked about the people who can spin plates on wooden spools. They go from one to the other in a total balancing act. He compared it to life being a balancing act. The image came to mind of me being in a high school gym that was dimly lit. There was a spotlight on 10 different spools maybe 4 or 5 feet tall. On top, each plate was spinning on the wooden spool. I pictured myself running from plate to plate exhaustedly trying to keep up the spinning. Then the Spirit enlightened my mind. How would the Savior be in that process of me doing it on my own? He wasn't. Then I saw next to the 10 spools 10 angels standing by each wooden spool. Each had the plates perfectly spinning. The Savior would then step to one and put His hand on the shoulder of an angel and take their place. He would start to slow the plate and let it wobble a bit. He whispered, "Jenna, I am over here. This is where I want to work with you now.” I walked over to Him and He helped me steady the plates as I put my hands with His. He taught me how to steady it and then let me go, but He stayed near until He knew I had it. Then He would walk over to the next spool and do the same thing. Each time He would look at me intensely with loving eyes telling me how I could do this. They were times where I would think I needed to fix one plate, but the angel had it covered and the Lord would giggle and say, “Come on, I’m over here.” I had to learn to let go of what I was trying to control and listen to Him-- to come and learn what He would have me learn. I compare this to trying to control my own progression and feeling overwhelmed by it. The truth is, we are in the Lord’s hands and He will encourage us to trust that He is 100% invested in our progression. Our progression does involve grace 100%, but it also involves our part, our efforts, our faith. It is an exhausting life to feel responsible to keep each plate spinning on our own and it is an unfulfilling life to expect the Savior to spin all the plates for us. There is so much joy when we learn to trust in Him, to try our best and to be patient on those days when we have seemed to knock down and shatter every single plate.”

Image result for graphics or photos of a man spinning plates