Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

Jan 28, 2021


(The following “Spiritual Tidbit” was shared with the residents of our community by Kristin LaVe’, from Pastoral Care of St. John’s United.  It was so poignant that I just had to share it with you.  While you read it, keep in mind how you pray; do you pray with fancy words, with lots of thee’s and thou’s; are your prayers repetitive?  These are all good ways to pray because prayer, at its simplest is just any communication with God.  No matter what is said prayer is just that simple.  Talk with God in the way that is most comfortable to you; bottom line, He is waiting for you to talk with Him.)


SPIRITUAL TIDBITS, Jan 13th (FROM Kristin La Ve’, Pastoral Care at St. John’s United)

Romans 8:26 “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.”

Today is a good day to pray.  Yesterday was a good day to pray and tomorrow will be a good day to pray.

Have you ever struggled with words to pray or how to convey your prayers to God?  I’ve second guessed my prayers as not good enough or holy enough or even not genuine enough.  Maybe you have too.

Several years ago I came to Atonement Lutheran Church for a meeting but instead I found that the beloved to-be interim pastor, Rev. Merv Olson, had died at the desk in the pastor’s office.  No one else was in the church and I immediately called 911 and waited for the EMT’s to arrive.  While I waited with Merv, I felt that it was a good and necessary time to pray for a man who was respected, honored and beloved by many.  He served as a pastor to thousands of people in churches over the years.  He was someone who had received recognition only a week or so earlier by the Montana Synod for 50 years of ministry.  In my eyes, he was practically a saint.

I stood over his body and reached for as may holy and sacred words of honor power, and peace that I could come up with for a prayer but I had no words.  My brain was grasping for anything that would provide holiness in this sacred and terrible moment.

One word was all I managed in my prayer.  “Help.”

God answered.  Help showed up in a firetruck and an ambulance and in Jack Beals who had been mowing the lawn at the Little white Church.  Help came when Pr. Karl Guhn drove to Atonement to be there in support while the police and coroner questioned me and did paperwork.  Help showed up for the Atonement community in our shock and grief as we remembered, hugged, and cried together.  Help came when a permanent pastor answered the call later that summer with Pr. Darren Paulson. 

When you and I don’t know what to pray, “Help” is enough.  Tears are enough.  A sigh is enough.  A breath is enough.  God will show up as God is doing now.  Continue to pray, even if it seems less than perfect.  God is listening and God will answer.

Let us pray,

Dear God, help.  Amen.