Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

May 28, 2018


“87 years ago, the Founding Fathers created a brand new country here based on the idea that everyone is equal. Now, we are at war with ourselves, and this war is testing whether that kind of country can survive.  A battle of this war was fought right here where we are standing.  We are here today to dedicate a part of this battlefield as a cemetery for the soldiers that died here. This is the right thing to do. There is no way that we can ever bless this ground today more than the soldiers that died here already have.  We can’t even come close.  No one is going to care or remember the words we say here, but no one can ever forget what those soldiers did here.  It’s up to the rest of us that are still alive to dedicate ourselves to finishing what these soldiers have started.  It’s up to us to dedicate ourselves to saving the country, and remind ourselves that people have died for this cause.  We have to promise that the soldiers here did not die for nothing. We have to promise that this country, under God, will be free again.  We have to promise that a country that is made up of the people, was created by the people, and made to serve the people can exist in this world.”

Does the above paragraph sound familiar?  Being a traditionalist, I would usually not promote something written over a hundred and fifty years ago to be rewritten in modern language, but sometimes we need to do so to teach our youth the true meanings behind the writing when it is in phrases that are no longer used today.  I came across this rewriting of the Gettysburg Address and was impressed with how it got President Lincoln’s intent across, yet in today’s language.

Have you ever read the Gettysburg Address for yourself (other than memorizing parts of it for a program while in grade school)?  With today being the day we celebrate Memorial Day this speech came to mind, especially the last few sentences.  IT IS UP TO US to remember the sacrifices the men and women of our military have made, whether we agree with the politics that sent them into harm’s way or not.  Right or wrong they obeyed orders and they sacrificed all.

Today, as you enjoy your trips to the beach, the lake, the barbecue, and family gatherings, take a moment to remember the people who gave their all so you could enjoy such freedoms.

What price Freedom?!

The Gettysburg Address in its original language:

Where I found the Gettysburg Address in modern language: