Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

Apr 13, 2013

FORGIVENESS – Part II, How Many Times?

STOP!  It is important for you to read Matthew 18:1-35 before reading the rest of this article.  It is important for you to know for yourself what the Word of God has to say and not just take my word for it!

“Then Peter came up to Him and said, Lord, how many times may my brother sin against me…?”  (Matthew 18:21a AMP)

Basically the end of this verse asks if I have to forgive at least seven times before I do not have to forgive again, but I think just a little part of Peter wanted to know if he really had to put up with someone hurting and offending him even more than once.  Peter, like many of us, did not understand TRUE forgiveness.  Forgiveness is not “putting up with” someone.  Forgiveness is not being a doormat.  Forgiveness is not letting someone get away with doing wrong.  Forgiveness IS the settling of an account.

When I was at mission school we spent a whole week on the subject of forgiveness.  I really thought I did not have any problems with forgiveness.  I had been a Christian for over 14 years at the time and really thought that I had forgiven everyone who ever wronged me.  Yet during that week images of people from my past kept coming to mind.  I did not realize why I kept thinking about these people until a guest-speaker at our school said, “You know you really have not forgiven someone when you see them walk into the room and you feel uncomfortable about it; they bring back old memories of frustration, anger and/or animosity.”  I realized that if any of those people I had been remembering were to walk in the room that moment then I would feel very uncomfortable and want to leave the room myself.  This surprised me!  I thought I had forgiven these people, when in fact I had ignored and suppressed the offenses they caused.  The Holy Spirit convicted me of my un-forgiveness.  It was an ugly thing!

Alfred Tennyson wrote, “Forgive! How many will say, forgive, and find a sort of absolution in the sound to hate a little longer?”  We cannot say, “I forgive you” but push the hurt and frustration down deep out of sight.  This is not forgiveness; it is a façade.  Sooner or later all that hurt turns to bitterness and resentment and then comes bursting out when the right button is pushed.

One thing that we also learned that week at mission school was that we are incapable of forgiving, TRULY forgiving, by ourselves and our own efforts.  Remember that I mentioned what true forgiveness is?  It is the settling of an account.  Our best example of this is in Jesus.   When we review the Old Testament we realize that Israel hurt God again and again by turning away from Him to do what pleased them.  This pattern of sin and rebellion started with Adam and Eve and still runs through mankind’s motivations and actions today.  We continue to hurt God.  Does God hold the hurt and resentment way down deep inside?  Does He try to ignore our actions?  Does He just “put up” with us?  No, He forgives and He sent His Son Jesus to be our example and teach us how to forgive.  Remember His words from the cross?  “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34 KJV).  When Jesus died, He settled the account God had against us.  When we accept what Jesus did for us, ask His forgiveness for our sins, and give our lives to Him in return then we experience the Presence and Love of our Heavenly Father gives with His forgiveness.  Then, in turn, when we extend that very same forgiveness to those who hurt us we are following Jesus’ example.

“To that you were called, because Christ suffered on your behalf, and thereby left you an example; it is for you to follow in his steps” 1 Peter 2:21-23 NEB
Stay tuned again for next week I will conclude sharing about forgiveness with how I learned to forgive, but until then I leave you with this:  “Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” - Mark Twain