Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

Dec 7, 2016

GRACE GOGGLES - by Dana Austin © 12-05-16

A friend of mine posted this on her Facebook page and I was so moved by the post, with her permission I am posting it here on my blog; be blessed:


I have worn glasses since I was 6 years present, my vision is -525 in both swear I might have some pairs of glasses that look as old as the picture you see here. I learned very quickly that the first thing I would need to reach for in the morning -- before I even got out of bed -- was my glasses. To this day, I cannot even think to walk across the room to the bathroom or in the kitchen without them. I inadvertently will bump into walls or miss the door -- knock things over -- even things I know are there....all because my vision is not corrected and I cannot see what is in front of my clearly. I remember when I was young, there was a night when I fell asleep with my glasses on, and my mom asked me if I did it on purpose so I could actually see Prince Charming when he showed up in my still have to wear either contacts or glasses at all times....when driving, when walking in the store...for reading, or feeding my pets....for simply being able to see the face and expressions of the person I am speaking to even though they are three feet away from glasses correct my vision and allow me to see clearly the things I would not be able to....and goodness, I am so thankful for the clarity my glasses bring so I can see with as close to perfect vision as I can.

I often talk about my grace goggles......they are similar to my own real glasses, and when I can remember to put them on, I see with "God" other words, I see others the way GOD sees them.....and I see me the way GOD sees ME.....we each desperately need grace.....from God and from each other....and my grace goggles provide the proper and corrected vision to match what God would see.

Grace -- that is a word jam-packed with meaning, and don't underestimate its incredible value.....Grace always wins....always. Grace (in Christian belief) is the free and unmerited favor of God.....and we are supposed to pass that along to fellow believers and also to nonbelievers.....oh, gosh, it can be difficult when I want to stay mad or not forgive...."But God" models grace...."But God" repeatedly forgives...."But God" continually loves with no interruption...."But God, -- but God -- but God!!!"

He is SO GOOD! So today, and every day, grace goggles it is....simply because I choose to put them grateful He loves me in spite of my flaws...each and every one of them....and because of that, I can then pass it on to someone else who needs grace....because, let's face it, we ALL need grace......"But God."