Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

Mar 24, 2019


“The wind blows toward the south,
Then circles toward the north;
The wind circles and swirls endlessly,
And on its circular course the wind returns.” – Ecclesiastes 1:6 AMP

I was listening to the weather woman predict this week’s weather and she pointed out a wind increase in the late afternoons at 15 mph coming from the southwest.  As I listened the thought struck me that, although weather predictions have become more accurate in the past 20 years (thanks to scientific research), unpredictable things still happen.

Good examples of the unpredictable are twisters and hurricanes.  Weather experts can say that certain storms will have twisters but they cannot say where they will touch down.  They can predict where hurricanes are most likely to strike land but have no way to control them; no man has authority or can control the wind (Ecclesiastes 8:8). 

Just like the wind, we cannot predict the future.  We can make educated guesses as to if we can find a way to afford college or put ourselves in situations where we can meet other people and eventually find a soul-mate but we cannot say for sure what will happen.  We might try to wait until the winds (trials) of our lives settle before we make solid plans but a farmer who waits until the winds die down will never plant seeds (Ecclesiastes 11:4).  This is like the 2nd Chapter of Acts song, "Which Way the Wind Blows":

“You don’t know which way the wind blows,
So how can you plan tomorrow?

We may not know the direction of the winds of our lives and plan for our future but there is Someone Who does know.  He gathers the natural wind in His fists (Proverbs 30:4) and even sends wind (Numbers 11:31).  He makes the wind blow (Genesis 8:1) and the wind fulfills His orders (Psalms 148:8).  He speaks, rebuking the winds and they obey Him (Mark 4:39).  In the same way He is in control of the trials (spiritual winds) in our lives.  Sometimes we ask Him to remove or deliver us out of the trial, and He does.  Sometimes, instead of removing it He gives us the ability to live through it; the benefit of living through a wind is that all the old stuff we do not need is shaken off (like the figs in the fig tree in Revelation 6:13).  In either case He is always in control.

That should be our focus in any spiritual wind…on the One Who is ultimately in control, on the One Who knows which way the wind blows, then we will be either delivered from or carried through the wind.