Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

Jan 25, 2013

BOOK REVIEW: Not a Fan. – by Kyle Idleman

Do you wish you had something more in life?  Are you finding your Christian walk has settled into a comfortable rut?  If these things are not how you feel then ask yourself (and be honest with yourself) “Is my life with God perfect?”  Whether you are doing great or struggling as a Christian I recommend Not a Fan.

I was cruising the internet last summer and came across a strikingly simple black website with clear lower case white letters that said, not a fan with the sub-caption:  completely. committed. follower.  This intrigued me so I read the short notes on the website and decided I wanted to give this book a try.  I sent away for the book and was excited to start reading when it came.

Let me preface the next statement by stating that I love to read, have a very high comprehension rate, and can usually finish a 200 page book in a couple hours.  It took me almost a month to finish the book.  It is not a hard book to read and is filled with humor, amusing antidotes and clear object lesions, but when you read it with the intent to let it change your life then you sometimes have to give the Holy Spirit time to make the changes in you.

I discovered that I was an avid fan of Jesus, but not a committed follower.  Let me show you the difference by using this brief quotation by Pastor Idleman from the book:

“I was born into a Christian home and rarely missed a weekend of church.  From before I can remember I could quote the Lord’s Prayer, John 3:16, and the 23rd Psalm.  When I was around five years old I threw a fit because my mom was making me wear a tie to church.  She was trying to understand why I was so upset, and through my tears I explained, “If I wear a tie they might make me preach!”  By the age of thirteen I felt pressure to have the “Baptist blow-dry” hairstyle that my father was somewhat of a legend for perfecting.  I would regularly model the latest “witness wear.”  My collection was impressive.  God’s Gym; Jesus, The Real Thing; This blood’s for you…I had them all.  When I was in junior high I even had a picture of Jesus hanging on my wall right next to the poster of Michael Jordan.  In some ways that is a visual example of how I would define my relationship with Jesus at the time.  I was a fan of Jesus, like I was a fan of Mike.  I had memorized and knew his stats, but I did not know him.”

After reading the book Rev. Jon Kulaga Ph.D., Provost, Asbury University described the difference between a fan and a committed follower as follows:

“Football has been described as 22 men on the field in desperate need of rest, and 60,000 fans in the stands in desperate need of exercise.  In the spirit of Trueblood and Bonhoeffer, Not A Fan challenges believers to get out of their seats, strap on the gear and get in the game.   Not A Fan is not for the faint of heart… it’s for those who want to join a company of the committed, and to obey what they claim to believe."

Are you tired of being a fan?  Are you ready to get off of the sidelines and into the game?  I heardily recommend you get Not a Fan and read it.  It will change your life!

Not a Fan website: