Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

Apr 22, 2013

FORGIVENESS – Part III, Incapable of Forgiving

STOP!  It is important for you to read John 15:1-5; before reading the rest of this article.  It is important for you to know for yourself what the Word of God has to say and not just take my word for it!

“…apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing.”  (John 15:5b AMP)

In the past two weeks I shared about the week long lesson we had at mission school about forgiveness.  One main thing we learned was that we are incapable of forgiving, TRULY forgiving, by ourselves and our own efforts.  We have all heard the phrase, “To err is human, to forgive divine” (Alexander Pope).  There is truth to that statement; humans tend to hold bitterness but God forgives.  What is our natural response to being hurt?  We recoil and lick our wounds.  This is what “…seems right to a man…”  Yet what seems right to us actually causes death (Proverbs 16:25).  What is Jesus’ natural response to being hurt?  “And Jesus prayed, Father, forgive them…” (Luke 23:34a AMP).  What was right for Jesus brought life (Romans 6:3-5).

The fact that man is incapable of forgiving was drilled home to us just as man is incapable of working his way to heaven (Ephesians 2:8) yet the most exciting thing I learned that week really set me free:  since I am incapable of forgiving by my own effort then I need to call on God and His ability to forgive.  We were taught to pray as follows:

“Heavenly Father, I do not feel like forgiving (insert name here) and I am not capable of forgiving on my own, but You commanded me to forgive so I ask that You would enable me to forgive (insert name here) with the same power that Jesus’ forgave from the cross, and I ask this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Then we were taught to say the following (when off by ourselves, not within the hearing of anyone else):

“(Insert name here) I do not feel like forgiving you but I choose to forgive you, in Jesus’ Name.”

Do you remember my sharing that during the week they taught forgiveness at mission school I kept remembering people from my past who I thought I had forgiven but discovered that I really had not?  I applied this teaching to every person the Holy Spirit brought to my mind that week.  It was the most liberating thing I have experienced in my almost 40 years as a Believer!  Lewis B. Smedes wrote in his book, Forgive and Forget, "When you release the wrongdoer from the wrong, you cut a malignant tumor out of your inner life. You set a prisoner free, but you discover that the real prisoner was yourself."

I have applied this way of forgiving to every person who has hurt or offended me.  Does that mean I am perfect at forgiving?  No, but I am God’s work in progress!  I just keep on forgiving, again and again…and again…and again until the point when the person who offended me walks in the room and I have no animosity towards them and can greet them with true Christian love.

It'll clear the bitterness away
It can even set a prisoner free
There is no end to what it's power can do
So, let it go and be amazed
By what you see through eyes of grace
The prisoner that it really frees is you
-(Forgiveness - © Matthew West)

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