Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

May 3, 2018


I re-posted a post this past week on Facebook originally posted by Georgian Banov where he experienced the love of God as a fire burning in him:

“God's love for you burns wild, it's not just a warm fuzzy feeling.
It's all-consuming!

When I encountered the burning fire of His love and presence for the first time I jumped in a cold puddle in the middle of winter to try and cool off!

I didn't even think twice about it, I just dove in!
I was so hot I thought I was going to physically burn to dust.

I begged Him to stop for fear I would die! And He did, and I was suddenly very cold and wet, with an aching regret that I'd ever asked such a blissful encounter to stop.

That's when I promised I would only ever tell Him "More!" If I was going to die, what a wonderful way to go!

I declare fresh encounters over anyone whose heart is responding to this right now. Such real and tangible expressions of His love for you. More, Lord, we say, more!"

I said I would share this week about when I first experienced this deep, personal, burning love in this week’s blog article so here goes:

Other than feeling overwhelmed with peace when I first accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior on October 31, 1973, I found a deeper experience of this during my quiet time with the Lord at five in the morning one day in the fall of 1987, at mission school.  I was in a prayer room by myself and had just read in Psalms.  There was no particular scripture that stood out that morning so I sat down on the floor beside the prayer bench and started talking with the Lord.  Suddenly I was overwhelmed with the thoughts and feelings of how deep His love was for me.  I actually felt like he had picked me up and set me on his lap to hold me close.  It was so all-encompassing that I could have rested there for hours and hours, and I thought I had but come to find out it was only about 20 minutes.  Finally I said, “Lord, I am so overwhelmed.  It is too much for me to bear.”  He gently let me go but lingering with me all day was this spark of burning deep inside my soul.  He had touched me and it was so strong I was determined to never let Him go!

Was it the only time I connected with Him so deeply?  Praise God it was not!  I sat on his lap and was comforted many many times since then:  when I went through the loss of my Mother, then my Dad, then my illness, to say a few…but even this morning as I sang along with a Shirley Murdock CD I became so overwhelmed with that burning love that I had to stop and wipe my eyes as tears of joy freely flowed.  You have heard the old hymn, “I Keep Falling In Love With Him, Over & Over & Over & Over Again”?  This is what that fiery love is like, a spark that is forever fueled, forever fanned, and forever growing – like the bush Moses saw…continually burning by the power of God but never consumed and turned to ash.

You may ask, “How do I obtain this fire of love”?  Beloved Brothers and Sisters, you cannot “work it up”.   You already have that spark within you…allow the Holy Spirit to cause it to grow.  Dig deep into His Word; it is His “love letter” to you.  Fall in love with Him “over and over and over again.  Spend quality time alone with Him and ask Him to give you a fresh encounter…then allow yourself to be touched every day, throughout the day, by the wonder of it all.  You will start to experience this “real and tangible expression” of His love for you!

God sent His mighty pow’r
To this poor, sinful heart,
To keep me ev’ry hour,
And needful grace impart;
And since His Spirit came,
To take supreme control
The love-enkindled flame is burning in my soul.

Tis burning in my soul,
Tis burning in my soul;
The fire of heav’nly love
Is burning in my soul,
The Holy Spirit came,
All glory to His name!
The fire of heav’nly love
Is burning in my soul.

“More, Lord, we say, more!”

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