Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

May 31, 2019


“They tell us that if a rattlesnake gets cornered it will become so angry that it will bite itself.  This is exactly what all harboring of hates and resentments against others is, a biting of oneself." - Unknown

Have you ever felt like you dealt with a problem in your life, only to face it again and again?  One person shared with me that it is like pealing the same onion, but going one layer deeper.  All I know is that with either onions or problems, you can sure cry a lot.

I thought I had dealt with anger and conquered it back in 1999 but I have had such a struggle with anger in the past few weeks.  First I tried to squash the feelings down.  They did not belong to me.  “I’m a Christian, after all!”  Well, brothers and sisters in the Lord, Christians are human too and we get angry.  Ignoring the feelings did not make them go away.  The next thing I did was to ask God to change the other people who were making me angry.  They did not change.  I asked God to take me out of the situations that were causing me to get angry.  I’m still in them.

Wake up Linda Lee, it is not the people or the situations; it is YOU!  I spent some time crying and feeling sorry for myself.  When I had cried and spent myself out the turmoil in my heart quieted enough for me to hear God’s still small voice reminding me He had already dealt with the problems; when He died on the cross and rose to life again three days later He set me free from sin and established His GRACE in my life.  He reminded me that it is by GRACE that I was saved and that where sin abounds, GRACE much more abounds.  Some teach that GRACE is “God’s unmerited favor” but I love a teaching I once heard which is that it is “God’s ultimate power under ultimate control”.  This teaching also pointed out that Jesus was the epitome of GRACE; He was gracious, even when being treated in a condescending manner; He had the GRACE to listen, even when some complained to Him about others; His GRACE enabled Him to stand through the verbal abuse of the religious leaders of His time and the physical abuse before and during His death on the cross.

With all this in view I asked Him for more GRACE to stand through the situations and people that I struggled with.  I can barely begin to describe to you the release I felt.  About as close as I could get is to say it is somewhat like having intense crippling arthritis pain, then to suddenly be able to run and dance without limitation.  I am now running and jumping in my spirit as I live with the power of His GRACE through my struggles.

If you struggle with anger, may I encourage you to quit biting yourself, get alone with God and work it out…by His GRACE.

“Do not be quick to anger, for anger sits comfortably in the lap of fools.” - Ecclesiastes 7:9 VOICE

“With tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially toward those who may try your patience.” – Ephesians 4:2 TPT

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