Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

May 16, 2020


When I was 16 years old a Christian youth organization held a rally where we were given the challenge to bring a complete Bible and get it all the way to the center of the Shasta County Fair Grounds (Anderson, CA).  The Bible was considered contraband in our make-believe nation.  We were warned that the whole Fair Grounds were set up as if it were a different country under religious suppression like those of the eastern bloc nations behind the Iron Curtain.  This was 1972 so it was well before Glasnost and the fall of the Berlin Wall.  Religious persecution was very strong in Communist Countries.

Some of us hid parts of the Bible in our clothing, baked parts right inside cakes, or memorized large portions so we could rewrite them after reaching the center of the grounds.  We thought we were being so clever.  Well, many got caught and each one caught had to give up their portion of the Bible and were put in a “jail” (in our case a make-shift holding area in one of the buildings).  The ones that were able to bring at least some portions of the Bible were the ones who memorized scriptures and rewrote them after arriving at the goal area.

Of course the rally’s goal was to catch kids’ attention and lead them to Christ.  Many made decisions to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior that night, yet the thing that still sticks in my mind from that night is what it can be like to live where others hate and persecute you for your faith.  This could be why my heart goes out to believers around the world who are suffering persecution today and why I am always promoting their needs in my Facebook “PRAYER OPPORTUNITY” posts.  Lately, I have asked for prayer for believers in China but I am starting to see persecution happen here in the U.S.  The incidents of shootings in churches have increased exponentially.  Cross burnings have increased on the properties of African American and Latin American churches especially in the South.

I read an interesting article by David Ravenhill (son of the late Rev. Leonard Ravenhill), where he quotes something his father said in the 1980s, "If America does not concentrate in prayer, it will pray in concentration camps."  I think we Americans have become complacent and do not think such hard times will come to us.  Well, think again!  These hard times have already arrived.

Thomas Horn, in his article for Worthy Christian News entitled “Persecution of Christians Growing in the United States, he says, “…persecution of Christians is on the increase in the United States,” and he goes on to share part of an article written by Don McAlvany, a reporter of The Midnight Herald, which compares post-WWI Germany and its popular hatred against the Jews increased until wholesale persecution followed.  Mr. Horn then goes on to quote Mr. McAlvany, “Could this be where the growing anti-Christian consensus in America is taking us?”

Not only is the prejudice against Christians increasing in the U.S. but the tolerance of anti-Christian attitudes is escalating.  It is easy for us to see the larger news reports of late where Churches are refusing to close their doors to group services as dictated by civil authorities (i.e. the Florida pastor arrested for holding large group services; the pastor who preaches every Sunday in Washington State while the stay at home orders have not been relaxed) but have you heard about Ohio State Representative Rep. Nino Vitale refusing to wear a facemask because “…we are all created in the image and likeness of God. That image is seen the most by our face. I will not wear a mask."  How about Pastor Andrew Womack, a televangelist from Colorado, who also refuses to wear a face mask because “…Jesus probably wouldn’t wear one either”.  All of these actions are standing out to those who dislike Christians, but actually fueling the fire against them. 


I could go on and on with examples but I am sure you get the picture.  The world is not getting “better” for us.  Why?  Jesus said, “Just remember, when the unbelieving world hates you, they first hated me.” –John 15:18 TPT  We are being hated increasingly because He was first hated by them and we remind them of just Who He is.  They do not want to be confronted with even the idea that they are sinful.  In this world, things will grow increasingly worse for us, but there IS hope!  As we draw closer to Him and His Kingdom God will provide just what we need to get through the increasing turmoil in this world.  “Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.” –Matthew 6:33 MSG

So, let me ask you, what is YOUR focus today?

NOTE: the Bible tells us how to deal with civil authority in Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17. 

Why Revival Tarries & America Is Too Young To Die, both by Leonard Ravenhill 

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