Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

Nov 16, 2021


Image result for clip art of angry turkeys

Here they come, oh yeah, all the sermons about giving thanks.  Every November we always hear teaching after teaching about how we should be grateful for what we have.  Every year at this time all the pumpkin and pilgrim decorations go up, turkeys go on sale, the stores get crowded, and I want to stay home.

Oh, I’m grateful, do not get me wrong, but after hearing it again and again, day after day, commercial after commercial, I just want to plug my ears, run away, and escape.

The only other time I usually just want to run and hide is when I get sick.  How about you?  When you get an infection the doctor gives you an antibiotic specifically made to kill that infection.  When you catch a virus, your body’s immune system starts producing antibodies to fight that specific virus, but if the virus is known to doctors they can now give you vaccines that can make your body produce antibodies against the virus so that you do not catch it in the first place or so that if you do catch it then it is not as severe as if you did not receive the vaccine.  Considering the past two years we can be thankful for research personnel and doctors developing the COVID-19 vaccine.  Mmmm, well at least I am.

There are so many things to be thankful for and so many reasons.  We voice our thanks and we feel we really mean it.  How much of saying thank you is from our emotions or just going through the motions?  How long will we remain consciously grateful?  How real is it to us?  November, with all its commercials, decorations, and sermons seems to be a month of inoculations about giving thanks.  You get so many doses that you really never catch a case!

I yearn to give thanks for something different – something exciting because I weary of the same old thankful sayings.  I guess Thanksgiving will be pretty much the same this year after all.

God forbid!

God Forbid that I should not be completely grateful that I have been snatched from the jaws of hell!  God forbid that I should forget each impact of the whip that my Savior bore upon His body for me, each strike of the nails being driven in His hands and feet, each thorn embedded in His flesh!

God forbid that I should keep silence about how I can live forever because my Lord rose from the grave before me, conquering death once and for all!  Now THAT is exciting!!

I cannot stay my grateful heart when I remember these things.  It pounds and beats at the door of my soul to be heard!  What my soul hears, my mouth MUST speak…

Thank You Lord,

For saving my soul.

Thank You Lord,

For making me whole.

Thank You Lord,

For giving to me,

Thy great salvation so rich and free!

If you find yourself hiding from all the expressions, sermons, and decorations of Thanksgiving this month, if your lips are silent this month, listen to the beat of your heart; you will find the bouncing rhythm of thankfulness just begging to be let out!




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