Growing from Glory to Glory

Growing from Glory to Glory

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP

Dec 29, 2021



(The names in this story have been changed to their Nigerian meanings.) 


"Grace” had to decide just how far she was willing to go.  She met an immigrant named “Kind”.  The people of her country looked down on immigrants even when they applied for and gained legal status but she was drawn to him and agreed to marry him. 


Most people struggle with their new in-laws in a new marriage but she liked her mother-in-law, “Winsome”.  Her father-in-law had passed away before she met Kind so his mother lived with them.  Kind’s brother, “Strength”, also lived with them and he decided to get married to someone from her hometown named "Hart”.  Even after being married for ten years Grace and Hart did not have any children yet there was a lot of love in their combined families for each other. 


Kind and Strength were suddenly killed, leaving the women to fend for themselves.  After a time, Winsome decided to go back to her own country and because Grace and Hart loved her so much, they decided to go with her.  They started out on the journey and then Winsome decided to send them back.  She knew that they would be immigrants in her own country and not readily accepted by her people; she also knew that it would be difficult to impossible to provide for all three of them. 


(You can probably guess where this story came from and who it is about by now:  Grace represents Ruth and Winsome represents her mother-in-law, Naomi.  The story is taken from Ruth 1:1-19) 


After a little bit of struggling with the idea of returning Hart reluctantly left Grace and Winsome on the road.  Winsome tried to convince Grace to return with Hart; this is why she now faced the dilemma:  how far?  How far would she go?  Would she return to her hometown with Hart or would she go on with Winsome? 


We know from the book of Ruth in the Scriptures that she made the decision to go all the way.  We should look to Ruth as our example for the year 2022; part of the way just won't cut it.  The “Big Book” of Alcoholics Anonymous states, “Half measures avail us nothing.”  Grace (Ruth) deeply loved Winsome (Naomi) and decided to leave the familiar comforts of her own country to travel to another country where she would be the shunned immigrant.  She did it out of love. 


How far?  How far will you go in 2022?  How far will your love of Jesus propel you?  Will you travel with Him in this New Year?  Will you make it a point to meet with Him every morning to gain an awareness of His companionship for the day?  When we go on a journey with a friend or loved one, we spend time talking together.  When we walk with Jesus throughout the day, we spend time talking with Him, fulfilling His command to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17).  He gives us His insight as to what is going on around us.  Brothers and Sisters, we ARE on a journey with Him toward HIS country.  Even though the time grows shorter every day we still have time to learn and grow closer and closer to Him. 

So, I ask you again, how far?  How far will you go in 2022?

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